Get your Prescription toGreat Looking Skin at a Personalized Consultation with Dr. Emmanuelle Moirand, Clinique's
International Skin Expert
Concerned about pigmentation, discolouration, acne, dark circles, lines and wrinkles, uneven skintone or simply sensitive skin? Worry not, as the dermatologist created skincare brand, Clinique invitescustomers to consultits International Skin [xpert, Dr. [mmanuelle Moirand at The Doctor Is In initiative, in select Clinique stores. Recognizing the unique skincare needs of each person, Dr. Ernmanuelle Moirand will deliver personalized consultations. sk in analysis and offer customized skincarc solutions, catered to each customer's skin type and skin concern on 13th December at Clinique, Palladium Mall, Mumbaiand
15'"- 16'h December at Clinique, Select City Walk,New Delhi.
As the Scientific Director at Clinique Laboratories for Europe, Middle East & India and Africa, Dr. Emmanuelle Moirancl's extensive work experience with the dermatology community and consumers makes her expertise on thedermatological subject invaluable to customer consultations. She also showcases new treatment technologies and product innovations lrom Clinique at renowned medical conlerences, in addition to introducing new corrective makeup workshops in physicians' offices across the European region, where doctors lea rn about camouflaging and treating specific skin concerns such as pigmentation, redness and acne.
J\t The Doctor Is In, customers can also address any other beauty concerns they may have or learn application tips from one of Clinique's knowledgeable consultants presentat thestore.
Feel Good about your Skin Today!
Calland bookan appointment with Dr. Emmanuelle Moirant at a Clinique store near you:
13th December 2012 at Clinique, 2nd lloor, PalladiumMall, Phoenix Mills Compound, Mumbai
Tel: 022-43473774
15t11 and W11 December 2012 at Clinique, Ground Floor, Select City Walk, New Delhi
Tel: 9910347468
About Clinique
lnrloduced in 1968, Clinique was Lhe firsl ever derrnalologisl-crealed, p·r eslige cosmelic brand. Clinique's mission has always beento providethe highestqualityand most effectiveli neof products to enhanceeveryski ntypeand tone. The brand's customized appmach a nd qua lity products a ll meticulously testedand ca refully rorrnulatcd with the la t estscience - have made Clinique one of the leadingskin care authorities in the world. All makeup and skin care products are Allergy Tested and 100% Fragrance Free. Clinique offers products for menand women of all agesand ethnicities. Clinique issold in more tha n 13.5 countries and territories, 17,000 sales locations and on
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